Friday, September 7, 2012



Today, we have a bleed test for kesatria negara . it was so funny but so tired . :(( . for boys , we are given 12 minutes for finished a running around 5 times . i having a fun but to finished that i needed a good stamina level . if i cannot finished about a time that are given, our merit will be cut . i was so lucky because i can finished that . i started my running with strongly, but to finished one round it was so tired . so shy because we have to running through girls and other platun . 1st platun go first ....

after settled for our platun, other platun had gone to started a running too....our platun can rest after facing a tired activites like that..but i was to proud to joining kesatria negara that can improve my stamina and can give me to be a healthy person . Actually, has a long time i didn't  do a jogging and other like that . Past at the moment, i always joining my school to attend a marathon,sports like volleyball and so on . it was so enjoying for me since from primary school until secondary school . i hope from my attending a kesatria , i will be a discipline person

SAD :((

 Seriously, i feel so pity what had happened to her . why this can happen ?? but , when i try to chat with her, she doesn't reply my chat . Maybe, she touching about what i say to her . But, i didn't know what i should to do ! webcam, chating and text .she did not respond it . grrrrrr~~~ 

tourism in malaysia

Citizens now demand more meaningful involvement and more responsible and sustainable tourism practices. Local communities and Non Government Organizations today have a very important voice in the way in which tourism is developed and resources allocated. It is this more responsible and sustainable tourism that the Government of Trinidad and Tobago wishes to develop and promote. Tourism provides entrepreneurial opportunities for small operators, can foster balanced development and empower rural communities, youth and women, and can dynamise other sectors of the economy, particularly the agriculture sector.
The Tourism Industry now demands more meaningful involvement and more responsible and sustainable tourism practices. 

Government Organizations today have a very important voice in the way in which tourism is developed and resources allocated. It is this more responsible and sustainable tourism that the Government of Trinidad and Tobago wishes to develop and promote. Tourism provides entrepreneurial opportunities for small operators, can foster balanced development and empower rural communities, youth and women, and can dynamise other sectors of the economy, particularly the agriculture sector.

The Tourism Industry includes everything that a traveler does on a trip – eat, sleep, party, attend a conference, rent a car, take a taxi, shop, change foreign currency etc. It means that all of the economic activities of farmers, fishermen, cooks, shopkeepers, bartenders, tour guides, banks, hotels, carnival bands, entertainers, electricians, customs, immigration and literally every job that impacts directly or indirectly on tourism are all part of the tourism value chain. For specialist events, sports, and weddings the value chain is even greater. It is clear that the tourism industry is far-reaching and is indeed everybody’s business.

It is also important to recognize that the travel and tourism industry is global, highly competitive and unstable. We must be able to continuously undertake our research and market intelligence, anticipate change, be prepared and not be caught off guard in the management of the industry



Today , as a usual co-curicular activities , KESATRIA NEGARA held on 5pm . as we all know , activities for today is speed test  :)) haha (*_^0)) . 
we all must running in a time given . This activities remind me to PLKN . plkn.....i miss damn much !! 
i wanna to story about speed test at PLKN  . it was a wonderful memory for me and also other people that has attend PLKN . when i reached at plkn , we must do speed test for the 1st week we are here . i just can get 5.4 around for this ... at 10nd week , we should do this for the 2nd speed test . i've got 4.6 . it can see that a long time we are here , a speed test and level of physical was decreased .'s so funny even many activities we doing here, but our physical level was down ....maybe it causing by increasing of bodyweight because at PLKN , we eating daily for six times . that why our weight was up . :')) 
PLKN has past sweet memories for me and also other friends . i'm really proud to attend the PLKN . i hope i will meet again my friends at PLKN . just wait guys !!



Today, my class was start at 10 am , personality development omt100 . oh ! today was last submitted date for miss's assignment . but, we did't print that assignment . it was lucky for us because miss give us a time to submit in the, we have a time to print that .

But, for ctu classes was cancelled because we have no classroom to study. the classroom was using by a-level student for their examination . so , when i heard the class was cancelled, i feel so happy..At least i can release my tired .without wasting my time, i went to cafe for breakfast + lunch . so hungry !!!

After eating, my group members for mpw1133 decided to finished assignment that must submit today . Many assignment couldn't finished . stressssssssss !! lastly our work was settled and just wait for submitting to lecturer . my headache still not fine . i'm in pressure when thinking many works must to do . i'm back to home at TAMAN MAWAR and facebooking and also update this blog !!.........


The good… the bad… and the ugly…
Handphones have become a major part of our lives. Today, it is being widely used all over the world. Most of us, that is. It has metamorphosized from being a luxury to necessity for some of us. Handphones are one of the things that we cannot do without, for one reason or another. We have come to depend on it, increasingly so, and in doing so it has become a need. Having handphones can prove to be very useful but it can also be said otherwise. There are both advantages and disadvantages to owning a handphone or being in the midst of people who own them.

Owning a handphone means one can be easily reached when on the road or when one is not at home or in the office. It can even be used when one is overseas, using the ROAM service. There are features such as voice messages and short message sent(sms), in other words, Short Message Service. This is to allow people to contact a handphone owner even if he is busy or is unable take the call. These features enable the owner of the phone to know why he is being called, so on and so forth. SMS-es help to keep it short. Without calling, you can leave a short message. Nowadays though, people use it to have conversations, especially the young, and those who find it easier to message than to talk. It is also cheaper and thus allows one to save on talk time. Another advantage would be that of being able to call whenever and wherever there is an emergency, for example when you are in a road accident or you need to call someone and there does not seem to be any public phones nearby. There are also different mobile service plans to choose from to suit one’s communication needs, be it longer talk time, free incoming or outgoing calls, or more free local SMS. As such, one can reap much benefits and save costs. Nowadays, handphones rarely just have one function, which is to make and receive calls. There are more functions and features such as listening to music, taking pictures with an in-built camera, playing games, and even logging on the internet and so on ...(_**_)) 

# i love SAMSUNG mobile ...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

final exam just around the corner...:"/


                        1st november 2012 will be held final examination . oh NO !! so scary . so nervous . Any preparation from me ? i think it is not fully preparation . i'm so afraid to facing that . but , it was be happened . just 3 weeks from business math in 70% level . my typing in 60% level . but i wanna 100% level from all subject that i've taken . revision and studying . with many assignment from my lecturer causing my revision time was loss . i must handle it and cover up all things before i sitting for final . i wanna good pointer for my 1st part . All the subject was so scary.......document processing,office admin,information skills,personality development ??? fully english learning. :"))<c0nFusiNg right now>....please help me !! i'll sure, i will study last minute for my exam . but i want to avoid it .....:(( for my lecturer , please give us a little bit of assignment...hmmmm ~`~

*_^)) GOoD LuCk for me ...


tips for exam

EXAM tips

1) Pens and Pencils
Some exams require the use of PENS, while others have to be completed in PENCIL. Make sure you know what you should be using in every paper before you go in.

2) Websites
All the major examination boards have websites these days, usually with sample papers and examiners' reports that you can download. These sites are well worth a visit as they may offer a lot of sound advice. The examiner's report, for instance, can give you an idea of exactly what it is that they are looking for.

3) Take Spares
Take spare pens and pencils just in case the one you are using stops working.

4) On time not In time
Allow for problems, hold up and traffic jams on the way and make sure you arrive with time to spare so that you can go in calmly rather than in a frantic rush.

5) It may sound stupid, but ...
Don't forget to read the instructions and make sure you know what you are being asked to do. You should go into the exam well aware of what is expected of you, but you should always check. Don't, however, waste a lot of time on this.


study group


1.easy to solving a problem Solution

Because study groups meet at regular times, attending students cannot procrastinate.
If alone, a student might postpone studying until the night before class. When in a study group, however, students have to be present at a specific time, and they are not able to procrastinate .

2. Learn Faster

Working together, students in study groups can generally learn faster than students working alone.
For instance, some part of the textbook that seems completely confusing to you could be quite clear to another student.  In a study group, instead of spending valuable time puzzling over the difficulty, you can learn quickly by simply asking a question.
In addition, you can help your fellow students also when they have difficulties understanding something that you do understand.

3. Get New Perspectives

If you study by yourself, you will always see your material from the same perspective – yours.
While this may not be a problem, getting fresh perspectives on a topic can help you learn it more thoroughly.
Study groups are the perfect places to find these new perspectives. As you listen and ask questions, you will soon start noticing a wide variety of different viewpoint on the same idea.
This will force you to think more about your position and will, therefore, develop your critical thinking skills while helping you study.

4. Learn New Study Skills

In addition to learning new perspectives on a topic, you can also find new study techniques.
During the college years, each student develops his own particular study methods. While yours may work excellently, you probably can still find ways to improve your learning abilities and sharpen your mind.
By joining a study group, you will have opportunity to observe a wide variety of study methods in action. After considering the pros and cons, you can improve your own study regimen by incorporating the best methods with your own.
In addition, you can help your other study members improve by sharing your favorite study tricks also.




Weight Control

  • If you are overweight, eating a balanced diet can be an important first step towards weight loss. Many people who are able to lose weight through being part of fad diets gain the weight back when they return to their own eating habits. A balanced diet can also help you maintain your weight loss in the long term. If you are underweight, eating a balanced diet can help you gain weight and maintain the weight gain in the long term.

Proper Sleep

  • Eating too much of a certain kind of food can cause you to be unable to fall asleep such as foods with high levels of artificial sugar, like candy. Eating heavy, oily foods can cause you to have difficulty waking up in the morning. Eating a balanced diet will enable you not only to sleep better without the use of sleeping pills but also feel more rested when you wake up.

Quality of Life

  • Eating a balanced diet is important because it allows you to enjoy life, have more energy, feel less stress and accomplish more in less time. You will have fewer illnesses and medical bills. A balanced diet is the foundation of good health and well-being.


my reading habits


My reading habits have changed over the years. As a child I had more time to read than I have been able to as an adult. I had different tastes in books when I was younger as well. Even though my habits and reading preferences have changed over the years, I still enjoy it as much as I did as a youngster. My reading habits as a child were such that I’d read whenever I had free time. I’d read when I came home from school, and before I went to bed. I always had my nose in a book. I had a pretty large collection of books as well.So, since i was till child, i love reading books especially story books . but now , i feel that my reading level was decreasing . maybe it caused by daily works and busy every time...i will try to manage my time to spend a time for reading . 



Leading a healthy lifestyle is undeniably the is important duty we owe ourselves. 
not have good health, you do not have wealth.


a) The trick to living healthily and looking one’s best is simple: love life, love oneself 
    and practice a few basis disciplines.
       > eat balanced meals which provide us with the necessary nutrition.
       > should eat three nutritionally balanced and healthy meals per day
       > diet should include more grains, fruits and vegetables.
       > these foods give us carbohydrate for energy, plus vitamins, minerals and fibre.
       > drinking a lot of water
       > keep us hydrated and gives us energy
       >  also take multivitamin supplements, especially if we are working harder than usual 
           or if we are under stress
b) We must also exercise regularly to maintain good health.
       join a gym or find a sport that we like
      > exercise reduce stress, which greatly affect how we look
      > fit physical activities into our daily routine
      > walk or cycle or jog to meet our friend instead of going to meet them by car.
      > doing these activities for thirty minutes every day keeps us fit 
c) Eating right and participating in physical activities, regardless of the type, are 
    important aspects of maintaining overall health and fitness.
      > also have need rest and sufficient sleep
      > nothing robs us of vitality and health faster than lack of sleep
      > healthy to relax and meditate daily.
      > By practicing yoga
      > Stress reduction is one of the most important thing
      > improve our health and looks
d) We also need to observe personal hygiene and cleanliness. This means we ought to be 
     clean on all levels: mentality, physically and spiritually.
     > refrain from smoking as it affects the skin
     > cause all kinds of health problems.
     > avoid or limit alcohol and caffeine intake
     > dehydrate the skin and can cause other health problem

OMG !! late...late...late...


Causing from sleepy and overnight , i woke up late in the morning even i having a class today at 9 0'clock . TYPING CLASS !! oh alarm phone was ringing at 7 am , but i can't woke up because i was very sleepy . So, i continue my sleep . time was too short , about 9.20 am, i see my phone and look a time . oh no !! i'm already late . Without wasting my time , i'll take my bath urgently....i'm in dilemma. i could go to class or not ?? i decided to go it even i will facing with many question with madam if i reach late for th class. 

At 10am, i reached at KTT . i know that today, UiTM audit will come to KTT for visiting college . that why i should go to class . When i enter the class , GRADED TEST for DOCUMENT PROCCESING had been happened . ohhhhhh !! i didn't know about this test . i just can do a LETTER QUESTION for my test . time was limit . i print my test and submit to madam . 

After that class, i didn't have any class . BUSINESS MATHEMATICS class was cancelled . so, i can spend my time to rest . i was very tired today . At 2pm, i back to home . when i reached here , the door was locked...tired+lazy+frust ..i just can wait any housemate back home to open the door . I enter to the room and get a sleep until 8pm . 

A Strange Dream

         I had a dream last night. it was so scary. i was sitting quitely by a river and i see this old man doddering along slowly. Suddenly, he was beside me . The old man looked at me and nodded his head wisely.
        Then, he shouted angrily," look here,you! you better speak softly to your baby!"..i didn't know this old man but i was extremely awed by him. Next, i blurted mindlessly," you mean
 i can't talk harshly? or even fiercely? or how about furiously?"....i was so afraid..
         it was so scary...i didn't know how i was get this dream . maybe it was my illustration ..hehehehe..:)
         when i woke up in the morning to go to class, i just know that it is a dream . i really shocked when i remind my dream that night . i hope it is not be happen again . seriously it is a bad dream for me . even it just short story , but it is a very scary,that dream not ended nicely..that why my story doesn't have a climax...hahahaha

OuR TiMe As A gOlD..


1. Make a list of what should be done

Make a list of what to do and try to constantly renew the list and keep it up to date. Include in this list both urgent and non-urgent things so as never forget or ignore something again. Keep the list all the time with you in your briefcase or in your daily agenda.

2. Allocate your time correctly

Include an estimated time frame for each action and the date by which each task must be completed. If the order that each task must be completed does not matter it may be possible to complete something during an unexpected free time. For example, you can look for information on the Internet while you wait in your office to start a meeting.

3. Set your own deadlines and meet them

Be realistic about the deadlines you set and try to meet them. It is true that any work gets exactly the time allocated for it. Have you ever noticed how quickly you can finish something you have to write, give assignments and take decisions on the last day before your vacation? Although we tend to complete many things when we are under pressure, is less stressfull and much more professional to establish and follow an action plan.

4. Use your time intelligently

Consider the case to check your e-mail only certain times of the day and let the answering machine respond to your calls so as not to interrupt your work for a couple of hours. If possible, avoid dealing with the same job or the same e-mail again. Never open e-mail address if you do not have time to read and edit, that is, to answer it, send, or delete it.

5. Organize your desktop

Organize your desktop; manage the copies of your files, your computer folders and e-mail folders so that you can easily find what you want. Minimize the time you spend when searching for information.

6. Insist in your targets

You should have an “in tray” in your office so that others can give you what they want to give you and not just leave it on your desk. Have you ever come back from a meeting and find additional records, letters and documents all over your office? Rather than follow your own program, you are “forced” to follow someone else’s priorities.

7. Do not distract your attention

If you have a door, you need to close it occasionally. If you have an open door policy that must always be open for your employees but you do not have time to really listen to their questions and concerns, then you will not manage to keep your promise. If a colleague comes to your office when you have a job and cannot discuss, seek to find another time to meet.

8. Co-operate with your colleagues

Colleagues will expect you to finish the job on time, so make sure to avoid any delay. You would expect the same from them. To avoid any delays, give more time to the project so as to be able to handle unexpected complications, misunderstandings or missed deadlines. If the date of presentation is the 25th of the month, be sure to plan to finish everything by 23.

9. Avoid unnecessary Supervisions

If you authorize someone else for a job or a contract, do not deal any more with this, unless you have a specific responsibility to monitor. Many people spend precious time to listen or read reports of other projects. If the investigation of your colleagues or their professional responsibilities does not affect your daily work, your performance at work or objectives of your career, you could simply express an interest just to encourage them.

10. Cancel routine meetings

Decide if the meeting is absolutely necessary. If, you have to attend, set an agenda and make sure that you follow it – start the meeting and finish it on time. If your presence is not necessary for the entire meeting then leave earlier.

11. Be constantly busy

Keep your skills in shape by having at least one project to be involved. Two or more projects would be even better because you are given the opportunity to change speed and to focus on something else for variety. To deal simultaneously with different project assures that you will always have something on which to work. Also, it keeps your mind alert and renews your prospects.

12. Choose carefully your projects

Make sure that your work has some value for the company and that it raises your skills better. There are many good reasons why you cannot accept to take part in a meeting and refuse to take an additional project. Successful entrepreneurs know how to say «no». Ask yourself, "this will promote my career?" and"Can I give the necessary time to this assignment?” You will win more respect by working with a colleague, whose expertise and skills complements your own, rather than getting an extra work on your own and overloading yourself.


Stress weakens your immune system and damages your overall well-being. Therefore it’s vitally important to know how to avoid feeling stressed. These twenty tips will provide you with enough knowledge to remain stress-free even in the most demanding circumstances.
1.Know your priorities
If you don’t clearly know what’s important in your life, it’s easy to lose yourself in all kinds of trivia and end up with headaches and other stress indicators. Your priorities should be always in your mind because they will guide you to take actions that will improve your life and enhance your well-being.
Stress shows that you’ve gone off track and you need to readjust your actions or behaviour. Stress often occurs when you work on some project and you get focused on unnecessary components of it. Because of that your mind gets confused as it cannot decide what you are working towards so you get stressed as a result.
2.Think about one thing at a time
Your mind can only deal with one thing at a time and if you introduce more that two goals to you mind, you will surely end up feeling stressed. The only reason large projects seem stressful is because you try to think of everything you would need to accomplish at once. You should divide a large project or problem into small steps and execute those steps one at a time. This will make you more productive and you will not feel overwhelmed, therefore you will avoid getting stressed.
3.Have a clear objective
You also get stressed when you don’t clearly know what you are working towards. You should define the objective so that there wouldn’t be any doubt as to what kind of results you want to get. When you clearly know what you are working towards, your mind will influence your actions so that you would produce the results that you want to get.
Exercise strengthens your body and refreshes your mind. It also allows you to take your mind off the subject that stresses you out. When you do that, you let your subconscious mind provide solutions to the problems that you are faced with so you don’t need to consciously think about everything non-stop. When you go back to the subject that stressed you out after the exercise, you will find that it’s not nearly as stressful as it was before the exercise.
5.Eat Healthy
Healthy food makes you feel better because it nourishes your body and gives you more energy. Because of that you are able to cope with situations that can stress you out much more effectively. The more live food (fruit and vegetables) you eat, the more energy your body will have and the more you will be able to deal with overwhelming situations without feeling stressed.
Meditation relaxes your muscles and lets your conscious mind rest. It lets you get in touch with your body and feel what it needs. If you meditate regularly, you become much more relaxed in your everyday activities and that keeps you at ease even in situations that used to stress you out.
7.Listen to music
When you listen to music you raise your vibration from feeling stressed to being happy, relaxed or energised. However, sometimes when you feel stressed you will not want to listen to your favourite music because the vibration of stress and that of joy are so far apart. If this happens, still try to play music because this will get you out of stress very quickly.
I’m sure you had such experience when you felt like you had no energy, but then you started playing your favourite music and your state changed completely. You started dancing or singing and you suddenly had the rush of energy in your body that you could not access several minutes ago. That’s how powerful music can be. It can break any negative emotional state you are in.
8.Get a good sleep
There’s nothing more refreshing than good sleep. What I’ve noticed is that sometimes a short nap during the day can give you more energy than all night’s sleep. I’m not sure why this is so but that was definitely the case for me on many occasions.
So if you feel stressful, take a nap. During sleep you let your conscious mind rest and your unconscious mind can find solutions to the problems you are faced with.
9.Balance your life
Sometimes you feel stressed simply because you spend a very large amount of your time in one area of your life and you pay no attention to the other areas. If you, for example, work all the time, no wonder you are stressed. This is an indication that you should cut your work hours and do something else to let your body relax a bit.
10.Have a laugh
Laughter removes stress because it reduces the level of stress hormones. Even if you don’t feel like laughing, try at least to smile. This will still reduce your stress to some degree.

the importance of the using internet

The Importance of the Internet :))

The Internet has served as the universal language of the virtual world since the beginning of the digital era. The Internet can be described as a global system of computer networks that use the standardised Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol and are usually interconnected. The creation of the Internet started during the time-sharing of several well-known computers in the middle of the 19th century. As the technology for Internet progressed and its presence widened, it eventually became popular due to a number of almost endless capabilities it can offer, including electronic mail systems, information distribution, file sharing, multimedia streaming service and online social networking. The Internet has significantly served billions of people around the world.
The advantages of the Internet definitely outweigh its disadvantages. Some of the great benefits of the Internet over other communication networks are its global presence, easy accessibility and wide-scale communication. Since the presence of the Internet can be found almost everywhere across the world, you will not have any problem accessing it. Apart from the presence and accessibility issues, the Internet greatly offers rapid communication on a global scale. It even delivers an integrated multimedia entertainment that any other mass medium cannot offer.
Since the Internet has become a part of the popular culture and our lives, it has been widely considered as a necessity especially in this millennial age. The boundless communication it provides makes the Internet an important medium of communication. Whether you like it or not, the Internet will always be here to stay.

so, internet has play many important role to our daily life . as a user , we must use the internet carefully...